Perfect print quality

Choose one of our 3 options for prints, sales and distribution:


The pictures are supplied to the school, which provides them to the pupils. Sales are managed by the school.

For now, the traditional method still is the best approach for many schools.

The parents get to see the pictures of their children, which often encourages them to buy them.


The parents order the selected pictures using an order form.

No more unsold pictures, no paper being thrown away. We only print the pictures that were sold.

This method is especially suitable for schools that typically have many unsold pictures.   


Thanks to the new online sales platform, schools no longer need to manage the pictures themselves. The parents have easy access to the pictures of their child (-ren) and can pay for their order via a secure platform. With online sales, we only print the pictures ordered, which reduces the environmental impact compared to traditional sales.

Regardless of your choice, we always take a sustainable approach. We use more environmentally friendly technology which not only generates less waste, but also allows for all waste to be recycled.